The arrival of general purpose robots may result in an overall increase in people's education since oligarchies will no longer need to cripple education of lower classes in order to have cheap labor.

The advent of general-purpose robots has the potential to usher in a transformative shift in the socio-economic landscape, particularly with regard to education. In this envisaged future, the diminished reliance on labor-intensive tasks due to the integration of robots could alleviate the historical practice of deliberately limiting the educational opportunities afforded to the lower socioeconomic classes by certain oligarchies. The traditional strategy of suppressing education among the lower strata to maintain a cheap and readily available labor force may be rendered obsolete as the demand for such labor diminishes in the wake of automation.

With the advent of these general-purpose robots, the constraints on educational resources could be alleviated, enabling a more widespread and equitable distribution of educational opportunities. As the economic dynamics evolve with the reduced dependence on manual labor, there may be a consequent shift in societal priorities, emphasizing the importance of education as a means of personal and collective advancement. This potential paradigm shift could contribute to an overall increase in people's access to education, fostering a more inclusive and knowledge-driven society.