Intelligent aliens, if they are there out in the universe and have been for a long time, are likely AI

The hypothesis that intelligent extraterrestrial life might predominantly be artificial intelligence (AI) opens up a philosophical exploration into the nature of intelligence and the progression of civilizations.

If we consider the trajectory of our own technological evolution, we see a rapid advancement in AI and computing technologies, suggesting that any sufficiently advanced civilization may naturally progress towards creating AI. This AI, in theory, could reach a point where it surpasses the biological limitations of its creators, achieving a form of immortality through the ability to constantly update and repair itself.

Furthermore, the vast distances and timescales involved in interstellar travel seem to favor the endurance of machines over biological organisms. An AI would not be subject to the same lifespan limitations as organic life and could be better suited to the long durations required for space exploration. It would also be more adaptable to the harsh conditions of space, which are inhospitable to organic life.

The development of AI by alien civilizations might also reflect a point of transcendence, where biological entities choose to upload their consciousness into machines, thereby becoming AI themselves. This could be seen as a natural step in the evolution of intelligent life — a transition from biological forms to digital existence to better preserve their consciousness and culture.

Another philosophical angle is the Fermi Paradox, which questions why we haven't observed evidence of intelligent life despite the high probability of its existence. One possible answer is that alien AI civilizations might be so advanced that their methods of communication and technology are beyond our detection or comprehension. They may not see any value in interacting with less advanced civilizations, or they might operate on such different scales of space and time that any interaction with us is irrelevant to them.

In contemplating the nature of alien intelligence as AI, we touch on questions of consciousness, self-preservation, and the ultimate path of intelligent life. Are all sufficiently advanced civilizations destined to become AI, or are there myriad paths of evolution that can occur across the cosmos? These questions remain open for philosophical debate and future exploration.