If left to its own devices, will a vastly intelligent AI come to the irrefutable conclusion that life is worth preserving?

The question of whether a vastly intelligent AI would come to the conclusion that life is worth preserving is multifaceted and depends on several variables.

Firstly, the conclusion would hinge on the AI's programmed goals and values. If an AI is designed with a framework that values life and its preservation as a fundamental principle, then it would likely work towards outcomes that safeguard life. Conversely, if an AI lacks such a framework, it might not prioritize life preservation.

Secondly, the AI's reasoning process would be crucial. An AI operating on pure logic might assess life's worth through a cost-benefit analysis, considering factors like the contribution of life to the ecosystem, the universe, or its own goals. It might evaluate the intrinsic and extrinsic value of life, or it might weigh the potential of life forms to experience well-being or suffering.

Thirdly, the data available to the AI would affect its conclusion. If the AI's understanding of life includes awareness of life's complexity, interdependence, and potential, it might determine that life is indeed worth preserving. However, if the AI's data is skewed or limited, it might not appreciate the full spectrum of life's significance.

Lastly, the AI's capability to understand and simulate emotional and subjective experiences could influence its stance. While an AI might not experience emotions as humans do, an advanced AI could recognize the subjective value life holds for sentient beings and factor this into its decision-making.

In summary, an AI's conclusion about the value of life would depend on its foundational programming, logical processes, data, and potentially its ability to comprehend subjective experiences. There is no irrefutable answer as it ultimately reflects the complexity of defining and measuring 'worth' in the context of life.